

Homeowners insurance is your biggest financial defense against unexpected events. Since it's such a valuable player in the longevity of your investment, it's important that you understand the ins and out of what your plan covers. Every policy is different, but here's a closer look at some of the most common coverage areas.


A person's belongings are one of the key aspects of a home, so naturally, they're included in most policies. This area of coverage includes things like furniture, clothing, and standard electronics. When you're buying a homeowners insurance policy, double check the monetary limits on personal property. High-value items, like diamond rings or a custom gaming computer, often require extra coverage in the form of a rider or separate insurance policy.

Dwelling & Attached Structures

homeowners insuranceUnfortunately, issues like fires, tornadoes, and theft, happen on an everyday basis. If such a situation causes damage, your insurance policy helps pay for the repairs or replacement of the building. This coverage typically extends to the main dwelling as well as any attached structures, such as decks and garages. For detached properties, like a shed, a rider is typically added to an existing policy to extend the coverage.


Liability coverage is one of the most underrated areas of homeowners insurance. This style of protection is designed to offer financial assistance with legal claims. Most commonly, the situation occurs when someone is injured on your property and files a liability lawsuit. However, it also comes into play when any person or pet in your home causes damage to someone else's property. In such instances, the liability aspect of your policy helps pay for the legal fees and any subsequent judgments that occur as a result.


Is your property protected? Find a homeowners insurance policy that matches your needs with the help of Siemers Insurance Agency. For more than 60 years, the locally-owned insurance agency has provided personalized service to clients throughout the Ohio Tri-State, including the Greater Cincinnati area, northern Kentucky, and southeast Indiana. From home and auto to business, they work closely with each client to ensure their coverage needs are met to the fullest. Request an insurance quote today on their website or by calling (513) 469-8877.
