
If your tooth is discolored or has a minor chip, your cosmetic dentist may recommend dental veneers. A thin, hard layer that’s applied to the front of your tooth, a veneer is a quick, efficient solution for many minor dental ailments, from cracks to misshapen teeth and small gaps. Understanding the procedure may help alleviate any nerves you have about the appointment. 

A Step-By-Step Explanation of the Dental Veneers Procedure

1. Preparing the Tooth

When you arrive for your appointment, your dentist will discuss the procedure and answer any questions. They’ll then clean your teeth before picking the shade of the veneer. Afterward, your dentist will remove a very small amount of enamel to make room for the shell.

2. Taking an Impression

After your tooth is fully prepared and enamel removed, your dentist will make an impression of your teeth and send the mold to the laboratory for your veneer to be created. In the meantime, they’ll fit you with a temporary veneer to protect your tooth and give your smile a more natural appearance.

3. Placing the Permanent Veneer

When the permanent veneer is ready, you’ll have the temporary one removed. Your dentist will then clean your tooth with water and pumice, followed by etching the surface of your tooth and veneer to create a rough surface that will securely bond with the adhesive. Once they’re satisfied with the etching, your dentist will rinse the veneer off and let it air dry before applying adhesive. Your permanent veneer will then be placed and adjusted to a perfect fit and position.

4. Light-Curing the Veneer

dental veneersOnce it’s situated appropriately, your dentist will use light to cure the cement and bonding agent. This acts as a catalyst to the drying and hardening process, ensuring the bond is secure.

5. Applying the Finishing Touches

After everything else is completed and the veneer has been cemented in place, the excess cement will be removed and detailed touches applied to the veneer. It will be made to look as natural as possible. The process is relatively fast and you’ll experience little to no discomfort.


If you’re interested in getting dental veneers from qualified professionals, trust Waterford Dental Health. With a team of four experienced dentists, they provide an array of dental care, from teeth whitening done by a skilled cosmetic dentist to a durable porcelain crown expertly applied. Backed by years of experience, the latest technologies, and the most innovative advancements in dentistry, their team members will help you achieve the perfect smile. View their full list of procedures and services online, and call (860) 447-2235 for an appointment.
