
Spending time in the great outdoors comes with many benefits. Protecting you and your family from ticks, however, is an important step in avoiding illnesses such as Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, babesiosis, and ehrlichiosis. Here are a few tips from exterminators for preventing tick bites and keeping you safe outside.

How to Avoid Tick Bites

1. Choose Smart Clothing

Exterminators agree that the first line of defense against ticks is to wear clothing that covers your skin. Long-sleeved shirts and pants limit tick access. Tuck pants into socks to close up any entryways onto your skin. Light-colored clothing makes it easier to see ticks on your body, so that you can remove them quickly. In woodsy areas, periodically check children, pets, and yourself for ticks.

2. Prepare Before You Leave

exterminatorUse insect repellent that contains DEET, permethrin, or picaridin, especially if you know the area has a high concentration of ticks. Spray exposed skin and over clothing, but don’t spray underneath clothes and never spray directly onto the face. Apply repellent to your hands first and then carefully spread it onto your cheeks and forehead. Be sure to keep bug repellent away from the eyes, mouth, and ears. Avoid areas with cuts, open wounds, and abrasions. Reapply every two to three hours, especially in warm temperatures.

3. Inspect at Home

Once you’re home, comb hair with a fine-tooth comb and check every area of your body, including the scalp and creases in the skin. Take a hot shower and wash all clothing in high heat to kill any clinging ticks. If one has attached itself to your skin, carefully use tweezers to pull the whole pest off. 

4. Create Home Barriers

Keep landscaping clean and trim. Lawns that are taken care of regularly are less likely to host tick habitats. If your property is near a wooded area, create a barrier with wood chips or bark to separate your lawn from taller grasses, shrubs, and brush. Another tip is to eliminate mice nests found in wood, rock, or debris piles because mice spread Lyme disease to ticks. Consider adding a deer fence as well and call the exterminator for a regular inspection.

5. Avoid Hot Spots

Stay away from overgrown, wooded areas, especially when hiking. Stick to marked trails cleared of heavy brush and debris. Tall grasses are breeding sites for ticks, especially near the edges of trails and cleared areas. Avoid walking barefoot or wearing open-toed shoes and sandals in these areas.


For pest control in central Missouri, trust Denning Pest Control. Located in Columbia, this family-owned, licensed pest control company offers affordable rates for top-notch services. Their more than 60 years of experience will ensure that your property is free of pests, from termites to bedbugs. They also offer warranties on services as well as free inspections. To schedule an appointment call their exterminators at (573) 636-6351. Visit their website for a full list of pests they eradicate. 
