
Spring and summer aren’t the only times for active lawn care. In fact, you can make your lawn thicker, greener, and more durable during the growing season by tackling some tasks during the winter. Here are three tips to get you started on using the colder months to improve the grass all year round.

How to Ready Your Yard for the Winter

1. Aerate the Grass

Your lawn likely received a lot of use during the summer and fall that compacted the soil, making it more difficult for the grass to grow. Winter is the perfect time to focus on improving soil quality through aeration, which mitigates this effect. Use a wheeled aerator or don special spiked shoes to create small pits in the grass and improve the ability for vitamins, minerals, and water to penetrate the soil and reach the roots.

2. Remove Leaves & Debris

It’s crucial to rake up and remove leaves, branches, and other debris that may lie on your lawn as winter begins. These piles of organic matter can become heavy and kill the grass, leading to unsightly brown spots later in the year. You can place this organic debris in gardens or around the base of trees to provide insulation and offer nutrients when it warms up again and the leaves and sticks start to decay.

3. Apply a Winterizer

lawn careSkip using fertilizer during the colder months, as the grass won’t grow enough to need it. Instead, opt to apply a winterizer meant for your region. These mixes contain larger amounts of nitrogen and potassium to better the root strength of your grass and improve the likelihood that it’ll come back in the spring.


Homeowners looking to hire a professional lawn care service to tackle their landscaping should contact Evergreen Landscape Management in Monroe County, NY. Their expert team has been in business since 1995 taking your ideas for outdoor space upgrades and making them a reality. Call (585) 889-9300 or visit the website for information on their lawn care offerings, from mulching and landscaping renovation to lawn mowing and fertilization.
