
Drain clogs can be extremely irritating, forcing many homeowners to schedule drain cleanings on a regular basis. Fortunately, there are ways to lessen the frequency of these clogs and keep your sinks, toilets, tubs, and showers draining quickly and efficiently. Here are a few improvements you can make to reduce blockages in your drains.

How to Prevent Drain Clogs

1. Don’t Put Everything in Your Garbage Disposal

While a garbage disposal can process many types of waste, there are certain items that are extremely likely to clog the drain and lead to an inevitable drain cleaning. Never pour grease or cooking oil down the disposal and remind other residents that they shouldn’t dump coffee grounds in there either. It’s also smart to toss problematic and fibrous foods like celery into the trash bin, since they can wind up getting tangled around the disposal’s blades.  

2. Don’t Use Your Toilet Like a Garbage

drain cleaningsSince a toilet disposes of its contents with an easy flush, it can be tempting to use it as an extra garbage can. However, the only thing that you should ever toss in the bowl is toilet paper. Other products like paper towels, tampons, and baby wipes will stick to your pipes and cause a massive blockage.  

3. Invest in a Hair Trap

It’s natural to shed hair while you’re shampooing, but over time, this can clog the drains in your showers and tubs. While it may only be a few strands during each session, they can quickly accumulate into large blockages in the drain. To reduce the frequency of drain cleanings, invest in hair traps to insert over your drains — these handy devices will capture any fallen hair so you can easily throw it out after a shower.


If you’re still struggling with clogs, rely on Norhio Plumbing for a quick and efficient drain cleaning. Serving northeast Ohio for more than four decades, the licensed plumbing company takes pride in helping residents cultivate best practices for reducing future clogs. To schedule an appointment, call (330) 562-9671 or send a request through their website
