
The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) connects your jaw to your skull. When problems occur, stiffness, difficulty eating, and discomfort can result, and for some people these symptoms are debilitating. If you experience these symptoms, it may be time to look for a suitable TMJ treatment.

3 Types of TMJ Treatment

1. Oral Therapies

Mouth guards are a common treatment when TMJ disorder is caused by nighttime teeth grinding or bruxism. Physical therapy may be recommended, which helps loosen tight muscles and joints, while also increasing muscle strength to prevent future issues. Along with jaw exercises, many patients also find relief with hot and cold therapies applied to the affected area of the face.

2. Medication

TMJ TreatmentIn minor cases, over-the-counter pain medication is helpful for relief of pain and discomfort associated with TMJ disorder. To reduce swelling, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are usually preferred, which includes things like ibuprofen. For more severe pain, you can talk to your dentist about stronger medication, such as muscle relaxers. While effective, these medicines should only be used on a short-term basis.

3. Surgery

In most extreme situations, your dentist may recommend surgery to keep symptoms at bay. Corticosteroids can be injected directly into the joint, which reduce swelling. Arthrocentesis is another option that disperses fluid into the joint to clear out any particles or debris. The actual joint can also be worked on using arthroscopy. This entails modifying the joint itself using special surgical instruments.


If you need help finding an effective TMJ treatment in Lorain County, OH, Avon Dental Care is here to help. During the evaluation, your dental team will determine the level of damage, which then allows for an individualized treatment plan to be created. They can also offer many other dental services, such as extractions, implants, and help with sleep apnea. Call (440) 937-2273 to schedule your appointment and get to the bottom of your jaw pain. You can also visit the website to access helpful forms and other information.
