
Any parent is understandably concerned at the first sign their baby is sick. This is why many moms and dads err on the side of caution and take their baby to urgent care or the emergency room if the illness seems serious or especially distressing. But is there any way to tell what conditions call for urgent medical treatment and what can wait for a regular doctor's appointment? You should always do what feels right to you in the moment. In the meantime, below is an overview of when urgent care is the best option for a sick infant.

When Baby Has a High Fever or Severe Cold

If your baby has a high temperature that won't go down (generally 100 degrees or higher), go to the emergency room. If their temperature is within normal ranges but they are exhibiting severe cold or flu symptoms, urgent care might be the smarter choice. A more or less constant cough would also warrant a visit to an urgent care clinic.

When Baby Has an Ear Infection

urgent careEar infections are extremely painful, and since babies can't vocalize the source of their distress, parents often don't know what's wrong. It’s reassuring that ear infections are quite common and usually no reason for major concern. They should, however, be seen by an urgent care doctor to make sure a round of medication can be started right away and that there's nothing serious going on beyond the infection. The sooner the pain can be eased, the better for your little one.

When Baby Has Diarrhea

Diarrhea can lead to dehydration, which can be a potential emergency situation. And it can happen quickly, considering the small size of your baby's system. If diarrhea is persistent, it's best to have the baby checked out by an urgent care professional. A treatment plan will be devised, and your baby will soon be feeling comfortable again.


If you're ever in doubt about whether a medical issue with your baby is a matter for urgent care or a regular doctor visit, be safe and always choose an emergency care clinic. Orange Beach Walk-In Medical Care serves patients of all ages in the Baldwin County, Alabama, area. To find out more about their compassionate services, call (251) 964­-7425 or visit their website.
