
In many jurisdictions, the terms “divorce” and “dissolution” are interchangeable words for dissolving a marriage. However, in some states there may be crucial differences that determine which forms you should file and what the process will entail. In Ohio, for instance, your divorce attorney may recommend filing for either a divorce or dissolution, depending on the whether they are able to reach an agreement with your spouse.

The Difference Between Divorce & Dissolution in Ohio

What Is a Dissolution

divorce attorneyIf you and your spouse both agree that ending the marriage is the best course of action, you may file for a dissolution as long as you can resolve all outstanding issues. Once a judge has reviewed your decisions about property division, child support, and custody, they may simply grant the dissolution and make the terms of your agreement legally enforceable. Because this process is much simpler and less expensive, it may be in your interests to hire a divorce attorney to help you work through any unresolved issues with your spouse.

Understanding a Divorce

While dissolution is a cooperative process, divorces are more adversarial. Whether you cannot reach an agreement with your spouse or they’re not willing to cooperate at all, a divorce involves filing a lawsuit against your spouse and allowing the judge to settle all of your issues for you. These cases are often contentious, highly emotional, and difficult, so it’s important to have a skilled divorce attorney to protect your rights.


For over a century, Pater, Pater & Halverson has served clients throughout Hamilton, OH, providing detailed guidance in a broad range of family matters. If you’re going through a divorce, you can rely on their divorce attorneys to represent your interests and help achieve the best possible outcome. Visit their website for an overview of their family law services, follow their Facebook for legal tips, or call (513) 867-1411 to schedule a consultation with a divorce attorney.
