
Hearing loss can occur in childhood for many reasons, but it isn’t always easy to identify. Children who experience undiagnosed hearing challenges could face a number of development challenges, which is why it’s important for parents to understand the warning signs. Below are some common indicators your child may be experiencing auditory issues.

5 Warning Signs of Childhood Hearing Loss

1. Turning up the Volume

If your child uses devices or watches television at a loud volume, take note. It could indicate a hearing problem, especially when combined with the inability to hear other sounds while the device is on. Try turning the volume down, and asking your child questions if they can still understand the program.  

2. Trouble Learning to Speak

While every toddler develops at slightly different rates, children should be able to understand simple instructions and recognize words for common items by the age of one. By 18 months, they should be able to say eight to ten words, and as many as 50 by the age of two. If you notice development taking place at a slower rate, consult your child’s pediatrician.

3. Poor Grades

Any unexplained drops in grades are often telling of a larger issue. In some cases, the culprit could be impaired hearing. To investigate the cause of grade changes, speak with your child’s teacher. In addition to addressing any hearing problems as needed, moving your child to the front of the classroom may make a difference in their performance.

4. Slow Response to Questions

hearing lossChildren can get caught up in play and may need a gentle reminder to listen at times. Yet, it’s abnormal for children not to turn their heads when addressed. A symptom of hearing loss is the inability to follow a conversation when there’s background noise, so watch for slow responses to questions in your child.

5. Speaking Loudly

While children often need to be reminded to use their indoor voices, kids who speak at louder volumes all the time may be having trouble hearing. If your child fails to keep their voice low even during one-on-one conversations in quiet settings, consider having their hearing evaluated.


If you suspect a hearing issue in your child, contact the dedicated professionals from Heartland Better Hearing Inc in Elizabethtown, KY. With more than 22 years of experience, this center provides a broad range of hearing loss solutions tailored to patients of all ages. Learn more about their services online or call (270) 735-9352 to speak with an associate. 
