
No one expects to get into a car accident, so when a collision does occur, the aftermath is often overwhelming and confusing. This is especially the case if a serious injury is involved. If you find yourself in this type of situation through no fault of your own, it’s crucial to know what to do. Your actions can make all the difference in whether or not you’re able to recover damages for the loss you incur as a result of another motorist’s negligence. This is why personal injury attorneys recommend taking these steps to protect your rights. 

What to Do Following a Car Crash 

1. Seek Medical Attention 

Don’t make the mistake of thinking it isn’t necessary to get checked out by a doctor just because you can walk away from an accident. It’s possible for small injuries to manifest into something worse or for there to be internal injuries that aren’t visible. Having records of the medical treatment you receive will also play a vital role in supporting your personal injury claim. 

2. Call the Police 

In accidents where there is significant property damage or injuries, you must call the police to the scene. They will assess what happened upon arrival and fill out a police report detailing everything they observe. They will also make an unbiased determination of who was at fault, which can prove useful in helping you establish liability. 

3. Gather Evidence 

attorneyWhen filing a personal injury claim, you will need as much evidence as possible to show why the other driver should be held responsible for your losses. Therefore, it’s vital to make sure you exchange information with all parties involved, talk to witnesses who saw what took place, and take pictures of the scene, damage to your vehicle, and your injuries. 

4. Notify Your Insurance Company 

Even if the accident wasn’t your fault, you will need to inform your insurance company of the incident as soon as possible. Explain what happened and the extent of your injuries to ensure they have all the information they need to investigate the claim, but avoid trying to give too much detail, as you may inadvertently say something to harm your case.

5. Consider Hiring an Attorney 

While it’s not required that you have an attorney to file a personal injury claim, it’s wise to have someone experienced who can advocate on your behalf. A skilled attorney will ensure all your paperwork is completed and filed correctly, properly evaluate how much your injuries are worth, handle negotiations with the insurance company, and present your case in court if necessary. 


A car accident can be life-altering, making it important that you recover the damages you deserve. The attorneys at Estep & Estep have been providing residents throughout Claiborne County, TN, with effective legal representation since 1953. Over the years, they have earned a successful track record for helping injury victims maximize their compensation. The invaluable experience they offer is exactly what you need to increase your odds of a favorable outcome. Call (423) 626-3525 to schedule a consultation with a lawyer or visit their website for more information. 

