
Once temperatures drop below 50 degrees Fahrenheit, your fire sprinkler system is in danger of freezing. This could cause its pipes to burst or render the sprinklers useless in the event of a fire. Here's a guide to what homeowners and building managers should do to ensure theirs is ready for the winter season.

Checklist for Winterizing Fire Sprinkler System

1. Provide Valves and Pipes With Adequate Insulation

The sprinklers’ main shut-off valve and any pipes located above ground or in unheated spaces should be protected during colder months to prevent freezing. You can keep them insulated by wrapping them in pine straw, foam tubes, or by using foam insulating tape. To ensure proper insulation, hire a specialist to do the job.

2. Add Antifreeze to Wet Fire Sprinklers

fire sprinkler systemMost businesses have wet sprinklers, in which the pipes are filled with water and become activated by the heat from a fire. Though these systems are installed indoors where freezing temperatures are not expected,  some portion of the equipment could extend to an unheated area. To prevent problems, incorporate antifreeze into the loop. Just like in cars, the antifreeze lowers water's freezing point, minimizing the risk of frozen or busted pipes. You’ll need to conduct an annual inspection to make sure the antifreeze levels are maintained.

3. Drain Dry Fire Sprinkler Pipes

Dry fire sprinkler systems, on the other hand, are installed in garages and warehouses where temperatures tend to be colder. These utilize pressurized air to hold back water. However, once they are activated, the air is released, allowing water to flow through the pipes. Though most people don't realize this, condensed air is still capable of freezing, usually at the low points of the structure. An annual inspection should be done during warm weather. At this time, a specialist will flush the system with water and blow it out with compressed air to keep it dry. Low points will still need to be checked periodically for moisture buildup.

GMW Fire Protection can help ensure that your fire sprinkler systems work and that your home is safe. Located in Anchorage, AK, the company provides commercial fire protection and kitchen fire suppression tools. Their highly trained technicians can also design and install the appropriate fire alarm set-up for your building. Check out their website or call (907) 336-5000 to talk to one of their representatives.
