
If you own a business, not just any garage door will do for your loading bay or vehicle storage area. Specially designed commercial doors offer a number of benefits for your company, ultimately saving you money and making your work easier. Schedule commercial door installation now to take advantage of the following features.

Why Choose a Specialty Commercial Door

1. Security

Your vehicles and stock are your livelihood, so you need to protect them from intrusion. Commercial doors are available in reinforced and locking models, which are much safer than standard automatic doors. Thieves and vandals will be less likely to damage your property when it’s so well protected. Many models can be easily integrated into a building-wide security system as well.

2. High Traffic

Commercial DoorsAs you move products, you don’t want your choice of doors to get in the way or slow vehicles down. Specialized commercial doors are designed to open and close smoothly and to accommodate large vehicles and frequent movement, making loading and unloading easier and faster.

3. Code Compliance

Hawaii’s building codes have regulations for your commercial building design, including the specifications of the doors you use. Doors must open and close safely to pass inspection. They’ll be rated on their wind exposure as well, with any windows reinforced to protect against wind-borne debris. Modern commercial doors are designed for these standards, whereas other types of garage doors may not pass.


To discuss which commercial doors are right for your building and make the switch, contact Automatic Door Specialists in Waipahu, HI. Serving the island of Oahu for over 25 years, they provide both commercial and residential customers with the right door for their needs as well as offering high-quality installation services. To discuss your project and schedule installation, call them today at (808) 678-8880 or get in touch online.
