
HVAC equipment works hard to keep your home comfortable all year long, but no matter how reliable it is, the system will eventually wear out and need replacement. Before it gives out entirely, though, you'll likely notice several symptoms. Below are some of the key signs your HVAC system is on its way out.

3 Signs Your HVAC Equipment Is Wearing Out

1. Frequent Repairs

If you must regularly call in a heating and cooling professional to tinker with your system, there’s a good chance the equipment is getting old and starting to give out. Instead of continuing to throw good money after bad, it may make better financial sense to invest in new HVAC equipment—especially if you notice the additional indicators below.

2. Uncomfortable Temperatures

If you’re constantly adjusting the thermostat but still can’t hit the sweet spot to stay comfortableHVAC equipment, it’s probably time to bite the bullet. If the house is too cold in winter and too hot in summer, it means the system can't keep up with demand, and you'll soon be watching the repair invoices pile up.

3. Rising Utility Bills

When HVAC equipment starts wearing out, its efficiency drops. Perhaps the blower isn't circulating air properly or the burner is not warming the air enough. In any case, the system must work harder and longer to keep the home at your desired comfort level, which requires more energy and increases your utility bills. If you notice an unexplained spike in heating and cooling costs, it could simply be time to replace the system.

When your furnace or air conditioner is showing signs of deterioration, it's likely time to replace the system. Contact West Yellow Knife Trading Post, the premier hardware store in Dalton, GA, for great deals on new HVAC equipment. They also carry an incredible range of flooring supplies, windows, tile, cabinets, and other home improvement materials. Visit their website to view discounts and price reductions or call (706) 226-7914 for store hours and directions.
