
Coming down with a mild sore throat is not usually cause for concern. Much like the common cold, most sore throats are caused by viruses, which the body fights off on its own. Strep throat, on the other hand, requires medical intervention from a qualified health care provider. Otherwise, serious complications could arise. Here’s how to differentiate between the two so you know when to visit your doctor.

Identifying a Sore Throat

Also known as viral pharyngitis, the standard sore throat can be uncomfortable, but it is usually not as painful as strep. It might make your voice hoarse or make it painful to swallow, but overall, it should not affect your quality of life. Viral pharyngitis typically lasts for a week to 10 days. If a sore throat lasts for longer than expected, is so painful that you cannot eat or drink or have difficulty breathing, or is accompanied by any other symptoms, visit a health care provider. 

Identifying Strep Throat 

health careStrep throat is caused by a bacterial infection in the mouth. It may be accompanied by white patches on the throat or tonsils, a rash on the neck and chest, swollen lymph nodes, and a fever. Strep throat also tends to be much more painful than the standard sore throat, and it can lead to many complications, so contact your health care professional immediately upon finding symptoms. Your provider will likely prescribe antibiotics, which can ease the symptoms within a matter of days.


If you think you or your child might have strep throat, turn to the friendly health care providers at Hillside Family Medicine. Located in Anchorage, AK, they can administer a test for strep throat in-house, which means prompt results — and relief — for you or your child. If the results come back abnormal, they can also send the sample out for a culture to ensure an accurate diagnosis. For more than 20 years, this family owned and operated practice has been providing comprehensive health care for patients of all ages. To request an appointment, visit their website or call (907) 344-0200. 
