
Uterine prolapse is a common medical condition that impacts women of all ages. Understanding how and why it happens is helpful for treatment and prevention, especially for those with a higher risk. Below is a brief guide to the topic, from the causes and symptoms to what you can do about it.

Causes & Symptoms of Uterine Prolapse

A system of muscles and tissues support the pelvic organs, which include the bladder, uterus, vagina, cervix, and urethra. When they become weakened, a condition known as prolapse occurs. Causes range from hysterectomies, childbirth, and aging to genetics and a history of lifting heavy objects. Common symptoms include vaginal discharge or bleeding, constipation, frequent bladder infections, and an uncomfortable “full” feeling in the pelvic region. Pelvic organs may also be visible from the vaginal opening in serious cases.  

How to Prevent It

Uterine ProlapsePrevention of uterine prolapse may not be possible for all women. However, there are steps you can take to reduce the chance of it occurring. Maintain a healthy weight by engaging in moderate to vigorous exercise regularly. You can also perform Kegel exercises, which strengthen the pelvic floors muscles and keep organs in their proper position. Because chronic constipation is also a contributing factor, make sure your diet is rich in high-fiber foods and drink plenty of water.

How to Treat It

Fortunately, there are treatment options available for prolapse patients. In severe cases, surgery and uterus removal might be required. Surgical mesh can also be placed to fortify weakened tissue. A medical device known as a vaginal pessary is another option, which lends additional support to pelvic organs. In some cases, estrogen is prescribed to prevent the pelvic floor weakening further.


In Manhattan, the Women's Wellness Center of New York provides solutions for a wide range of women’s health issues. When it comes to uterine prolapse, they offer both gynecologic surgery as well as medical therapies to reduce discomfort and increase quality of life. With the assistance of Dr. Tara Shirazian and the rest of her caring team, you can rest assured you’ll receive top-quality service no matter what type of symptoms you’re experiencing. To schedule an appointment today, call (646) 754-3300. Learn more about what they offer by visiting the website.
