
In most states, the liable party’s auto insurance provider should pay for any property damage or injuries related to an accident, but the confusing nature of these events often leave people overwhelmed. Knowing what to do immediately after an accident will streamline the process of filing a claim and ensure you’re fairly compensated for any losses.  Make sure you avoid any lapses in auto insurance coverage and always carry a current insurance card in your vehicle.  Here is a step-by-step process on what to do after an accident occurs:

What to Do After a Car Accident

1. Move to a Safe Spot

Never leave the scene of an accident.  If possible, move the vehicle to the side of the road so that it’s not blocking traffic. Make sure all affected persons and vehicles are also in a safe area away from oncoming cars and trucks. Turn on your hazard lights so that emergency personnel will be able to easily spot your vehicle and to alert other drivers that your vehicle is stationary.

2. Call 911 & the Police

Even though no one might appear wounded, call 911 for an ambulance anyway. Injuries can surface days after an accident. As a safeguard, first responders will check drivers and passengers for any physical impairments. Make sure to call the police too. You will need a copy of their report for your auto insurance claims.  Ask the officers where you can obtain a copy of the accident report.

3. Exchange Insurance Information

auto insuranceExchange names, phone numbers, and addresses with the other drivers involved in the incident. Additionally, make sure to write down the name, phone number and policy number of the other person’s insurance, as well as their driver’s license number and license plate number.  Also, take down contact info for injured persons and witnesses.  While this may seem like a lot to remember at the moment, taking down these details will save you time and hassle in the long-term when all you want is to put this incident behind you.  Take down the date, time and location of the accident.  Also, document the accident thoroughly by taking pictures of all vehicles involved.

4. Contact Insurance Provider

Call your insurance carrier as soon as possible to provide details about the accident. A representative will gather the necessary information to process a claim. Continue to keep them informed about any repairs, and if you need a rental car or medical care. Depending on who was at fault for the accident, your auto insurance provider will also notify you about the claim status of other involved drivers.  It is always a good idea to review your auto policy to make sure that you have appropriate coverage just in case an accident cannot be avoided.


Western States Insurance Group, Inc. in Lovington, NM, is your trusted partner if you’re ever involved in a road incident. The team of experienced agents specializes in assisting clients with fast and efficient claim submissions. If you’re shopping for affordable and reliable coverage, Western States Insurance provides auto insurance from several of the industry’s leading carriers. To request a free car insurance quote, visit their website or call (575) 396-1318.  Follow Western States Insurance Group, Inc. on Facebook.  
