
Everyone gets anxious now and then, whether it’s due to a stressful situation at work or first date jitters. However, persistent, overwhelming anxiety may be classified as an anxiety disorder, a psychological condition which can affect multiple aspects of a person’s life, sometimes impairing their ability to function. Fortunately, counseling is often an effective treatment for anxiety disorders. Here are four signs you may need to seek counseling for your anxiety. 

4 Signs You Should Seek Counseling for Anxiety 

1. Trouble Sleeping

Insomnia is a symptom of many health conditions, both psychological and physical, including anxiety disorders. If you struggle to fall asleep or wake up multiple times throughout the night due to agitation, anxiety, or intrusive thoughts, it may indicate a psychological disorder. Sleep deprivation tends to exacerbate symptoms of anxiety disorders and depression and is detrimental to your overall well-being. If you’re having trouble sleeping, see your doctor as soon as possible. 

2. Irrational Fear

counselingFear is natural, but if your fear is irrational and prevents you from engaging in day-to-day life, it may indicate an anxiety disorder. One of the most common types of anxiety is social anxiety, in which fear is often related to social situations, such as meeting new people. Mental health counseling can help you identify the cause of your fear and give you the tools to cope. 

3. Constant or Excessive Worry

It’s normal to worry about particular situations, such as when a family member is sick, or you have to give a major presentation at work. But persistent worrying is one of the most common signs of an anxiety disorder. To be considered a symptom of an anxiety disorder, the worry must be disproportionate to the events that triggered it and occur almost every day for at least six months. It must also be severe and intrusive, interfering with your daily life. 

4. Panic Attacks 

Panic attacks consist of an overwhelming sense of fear and helplessness that can last a few minutes. They often cause physical symptoms such as weakness, difficulty breathing, dizziness, shaking, sweating, and a racing heart. They can happen unexpectedly or when triggered by an anxiety-inducing situation. Counseling can help you identify triggers and develop coping mechanisms to prevent these attacks in the future.


If you’re living with persistent, chronic anxiety, know that you’re not alone. Anxiety disorders are among the most common disorders in the United States, affecting millions of people. Counseling can provide the tools you need to cope with and overcome your anxiety. Fairbanks Psychiatric & Neurological Clinic APC offers a range of psychiatry and counseling services to help people with anxiety, depression, and other disorders. Call (907) 452-1739 to schedule an appointment or visit the website to learn more. Sally Caldwell, LPC-S, is now accepting TriCare® insurance. 

Special thanks to Dr. Alisabeth Thurston Hicks for contributing to this article.
