
If you've been involved in an auto accident, a denied insurance claim can feel like adding insult to injury. Fortunately, a denial doesn't mean the process is over; in fact, in many ways, it is only beginning. Below is an overview of some important steps to take if your auto insurance claim has been denied.

Double-Check Your Policy

The first step is to ensure you understand your insurance policy including what is and is not covered. Issues of fault and liability are rarely as well-defined as an insurer might make them seem. The wording in your policy could leave enough room to challenge the denial of your claim. Also, there's always a possibility that the insurer is in error and that you were denied coverage for something that is clearly included in the policy. Check the fine print carefully.

File a Grievanceinsurance claim

Open a case with your state insurance commissioner. The National Association of Insurance Commissioners has contact information for every state insurance authority; Texas’s can be found here. Contact the state office for the proper procedural steps for filing a grievance. Be sure to have evidence that your auto insurer was negligent in denying your insurance claim. Photos of the accident and any injuries, copies of medical records and repair bills, and the testimony of eyewitnesses will help build a strong case.

Call an Attorney

Enlisting the help of an attorney can make the process easier and lend more legal authority to your claim. Accident and personal injury lawyers understand the complexities and nuances of insurance law, and they are best equipped to advocate for your rights and interests. In some situations, if no compromise can be reached, it may be possible to file a lawsuit against an insurer over a denied insurance claim.


Don't hesitate to take action in the wake of an auto insurance claim denial. When it comes time to hire an attorney, trust the Law Office of Hawley Holman. For more than 35 years, Attorney Holman has been helping Bowie County, Texas, and the surrounding communities in all aspects of personal injury and wrongful death law. Call (903) 792-4513 or visit his office online to schedule a free consultation.
