
Depending on their age, your home’s windows might be overdue for an upgrade. Windows generally last a few decades before they begin to deteriorate and become vulnerable to the elements. They will typically display warning signs when it is time for window replacements, letting you know to skip window repair and choose an upgrade instead.

Common Warning Signs It’s Time for Window Replacement

Weakened Frames

Windows that are original to homes built more than a few decades ago are likely to be wood framed and more prone to decaying over time. Wood must be treated regularly to withstand rot from moisture and damage from pests, but if the frame feels soft, looks discolored, or appears decayed, it’s time for a replacement. 

Opening Issues

window replacementWhen it’s a challenge to open or close a window, there could be many factors causing the issue, including a warped frame or shifting in your home’s foundation. To avoid damaging the glass by forcing them open or shut, consider a window replacement. The new installation will eliminate malfunction in tired, old windows.

Utility Costs

If your utility costs have steadily risen in recent months, your windows might be the culprit. They lose efficiency and the ability to provide insulation over time. Newer and modern windows are designed to be more efficient than older models. Check for drafts by holding the flame of a lighter near all four corners of a window. If the flame flickers, it’s time to have your windows replaced.


If your windows are damaged or make your home look outdated, you may need window replacements. Residents in Newark, OH, can depend on The Glass Guru of Newark Ohio for quality products, expert installation, and other window services in Licking County. Specializing in both residential and commercial windows, their experienced team also provides window repair for damaged models not quite ready for a makeover. Call (330) 467-5318 for a free estimate, or visit their website for more information about their quality window installations.
