
When contemplating your next home improvement project, your mind may not automatically wander to windows. However, these seemingly passive elements play an integral role in your house as a whole. Whether you’ve noticed drafty areas or are displeased with their current hue, use the following ideas for inspiration.

3 Popular Window Styles of 2018

1. Black Frames

Small pops of color, especially when they are unexpected, can have a big impact on a room. So if you're already planning the perfect kitchen remodel in which the backsplash artfully plays off the countertop, consider adding another touch—black window frames. Both elegant and minimalist, they match most decor styles.

2. Pass-Through Models

windowsFunction is just as important as form, if not more so, when making new modifications to your home. Before you choose your new windows, think about which models might make your daily life easier, or your social life more convenient. For example, if you love to entertain on the deck, a sliding pass-through window in the kitchen will allow you to hand hamburger buns and ice-cold glasses of lemonade to guests outside with ease.

3. Energy-Efficient Modifications

A good deal is hard to pass up, but when considering windows, don't just consider the upfront cost. Low-emissivity options are coated to prevent the excessive transfer of thermal radiation—so you can enjoy the natural light without forcing your HVAC system to work harder, therefore, saving you money on the monthly utility bills.


If you’re looking for more ideas that will get your creative juices flowing, turn to the friendly and helpful staff members at Innovations Siding & Windows of Lincoln, NE. They have been matching area residents with top-quality materials and models for over two decades, and they’d be happy to help you find the right set. To ask about windows that might suit your property, call (402) 423-­8831 today. You can also visit the website to learn more about their offerings.
