
Nothing beats a night of hanging out with friends, and indulging in your favorite alcohol can make the night even more enjoyable. However much fun it may be to cut loose and relax, making sure everyone gets home safely should always be a priority. Choosing a designated driver is the best way to make sure everyone enjoys their night out and makes it home when the night is over. Here are a few steps to help you determine how everyone is getting home safely.

3 Ways to Decide on a Designated Driver

1. Ask for Volunteers or Make It Random

Before heading out or serving alcohol to friends, ask the group for a volunteer to drive. If no one is willing to volunteer, draw straws, play rock-paper-scissors, or flip a coin. This will make sure the selection is random and fair to everyone involved.

2. Reevaluate at the End of the Night

alcoholThough most designated drivers are happy to be responsible and will opt for soda or water rather than alcohol, it’s always possible they may have forgotten. Before getting in the car, make sure the designated driver has stayed sober. If not, you’ll need to find an alternative means of transportation.

3. Split the Cost of a Rideshare Car

If everyone wants to be able to celebrate freely, make sure they can all get home safely by splitting the cost of a rideshare service or taxi. That way, everyone is free to enjoy their favorite beverages without worrying about getting home safely or abstaining over the course of the night.


You don’t have to go out just to enjoy your favorite beverages. Instead, enjoy a night in and stop by Evergreen Liquor Store in Kalispell, MT. You’ll find the best alcohol to suit almost every taste. They feature a unique selection of wine, rum, mixers, and Montana-made vodkas and whiskeys, so you’ll always be able to stock up on the items you need to host a successful gathering or party. Learn more about their selection online or call (406) 755-1408 for more information.
