
Struggling to fall asleep is frustrating, especially when your body is exhausted. Millions of Americans struggle with insomnia every year when holistic doctors might have the answer. Here are three simple, drug-free ways to improve the quality of your sleep. 

Natural Remedies to Improve Sleep

1. Make Time For Exerciseholistic doctor

When you exercise, you are giving your body the chance to expend energy, which naturally makes you tired. Exercise has also been shown to improve the quality of your deep sleep, making you feel more rested during the day. Since even small amounts of exercise have been shown to reduce anxiety levels, hitting the gym or taking a walk could save you from worrying instead of sleeping. Talk with your holistic doctor about how to incorporate more exercise into your day to improve your sleep quality. 

2. Avoid Electronics Before Bed 

It can be tempting to check your email or read the news before bed, but sleep scientists explain that electronics can actually interfere with your ability to fall asleep. Research has shown that the faint light given off by cell phones, tablets, computers, and televisions can block the production of melatonin, a naturally occurring hormone in the body that sparks the sleep cycle. To prevent problems, try to avoid using electronics at least an hour before trying to fall asleep. 

3. Improve Consistency

Another tried-and-true method recommended by holistic doctors for improving sleep is simply being more consistent with your schedule. Focus on going to sleep at the same time every night and waking up the same time every day, regardless of the day of the week. 


If you have been struggling with your sleep, finding the answers could be the key to unlocking better health. At A Path to Natural Health in Issaquah, WA, their holistic doctors have been helping people to overcome medical challenges for more than 25 years. In addition to treating issues like food allergies, underactive thyroid, infertility, and IBS, these professionals are dedicated to safe and effective alternative treatments. To find out more about how they can help you, visit their website or give their office a call at (425) 270-3047.
