
If you’ve been recommended for an oral or maxillofacial surgical procedure, there are many important factors to think about. Among the most critical decisions you’ll make is which oral surgeon to go to. While factors such as quality of care and positive reviews are most important for framing your decision, gender may also be a quality that crosses your mind. According to research, working with a female oral surgeon has its benefits—discover why below.

The Benefits of Having a Woman Oral Surgeon Perform Your Treatment

Reduced Complication Risks

Surgery has been a male-dominated field for many years, which may in part be a result of the long-held misconception that women lack the temperament needed for life-or-death decision making. Indeed, this perception is nothing but a myth, and research finds the opposite is actually true. As it turns out, female surgeons have reduced rates of complications, deaths, and readmissions to hospitals compared to their male counterparts. These risks of complications are reduced despite having similar ages and experience levels to male surgeons.  

Excellent Communication Skills

Effective communication is important between an oral surgeon and their patient. To facilitate a successful procedure, surgeons must be able to convey pre-op instructions, aftercare directions, and what to expect from the surgery. Studies show that female surgeons’ ability to engage and communicate with their patients is in part what helps to achieve better patient outcomes.

oral surgeonAdditionally, these communication skills may also support compliance with medication and therapy in patients, thereby minimizing risks of complications. Moreover, researchers also suggest women’s strong collaboration skills can be beneficial in taking a comprehensive approach to patient care. Women are also inclined to follow guidelines when treating patients, which might also account for better outcomes. While gender alone should not be the basis of your decision, it may be helpful to know that despite their limited presence in the field, female surgeons are committed to delivering favorable results for their patients.   


If you’re seeking a specialist to perform an upcoming oral surgery, contact Patterson Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery in High Point, NC. The office’s head oral surgeon, Shawana Patterson, DDS, believes bedside manner is just as critical to providing quality care as surgical skill and experience. With a welcoming environment and a patient-focused approach, she and her staff aim to provide as comfortable an experience for her patients as possible to facilitate a hassle-free surgery and recovery. Learn more about the office by visiting their website or call (336) 812-3104 to schedule a consultation.
