
As a business owner, you understand the importance of protecting your company from theft, vandalism, and damage. While a good business insurance policy will help off-set the out-of-pocket expenses should you file a claim, it’s far better to avoid the theft in the first place. In honor of National Crime Prevention Month, it’s time to give your business the best leg-up in security possible. Here are a few of the do’s and don’ts of protecting your company from theft.


Screen employees before hiring them.

Good hiring decisions involve more than a short interview and resume review. They require reference checks, employment verification checks, and interviews with multiple managers. The better the team feels they know a candidate before they’re hired on, the better feel they’ll have for the applicant’s trustworthiness. The last thing a business owner wants to deal with is employee theft; most standard business insurance policies won’t cover the loss.

Provide fantastic customer service.

Business InsuranceBelieve it or not, good customer service is a major deterrent even for the most determined thieves. Encourage your employees to greet customers as they come in and to speak with them if they notice customers lingering in the aisles. Thieves will feel uncomfortable trying to steal anything with all the attention, and your customers will love not having to hunt for a particular item.


Hide your security cameras.

Security cameras are a wonderful way to deter theft, but they work best when thieves can see them clearly. Instead of hiding them, mount the cameras in visible parts of your store or building. You may also want to install cameras in your warehouse or stockroom to reduce the risk of employee theft.

Choose the wrong business insurance policy.

It can be tempting to look for ways to cut expenses, especially when you’re starting out. However, that doesn’t mean you should cut corners on insurance coverage. Leaving the company underinsured will only increase your out-of-pocket expenses if you ever need to file a claim. Instead, work with your insurance agent to find the right policies and decide based on the quality of coverage rather than price.


Want to upgrade your business insurance policy or need to purchase one for the first time? Contact Somers Agency LLC serving the greater Lorain County, OH. Their experienced agents will help you find the best coverage for your needs whether you’re a small business owner just starting out or a homeowner wanting a quote for a revised home insurance policy. They work with many top-tier insurance companies to find the coverage you need at an affordable price. Learn more online and call (440) 324-3447 for a free quote.
