
Acute renal failure, also known as kidney failure, occurs when the kidneys can no longer perform their critical role of filtering blood. This serious condition causes waste to accumulate throughout the body and will lead to death if left untreated. Thankfully, advancements in medicine have made it possible for patients with kidney failure to receive treatment. Discover more about what the condition entails below.

A Guide to Acute Renal Failure

What Causes Renal Failure?

There are a number of reasons why kidneys stop functioning the way they should. While an infection, certain medications, and even severe dehydration could be stopping blood flow to your kidneys, the failure could also be caused by a urine blockage. Kidney damage, including blood clots, disease, and cholesterol deposits, can also cause renal failure. Diabetes, heart failure, and high blood pressure can contribute to the condition as well.

What Are the Symptoms?

acute renal failureSymptoms of kidney failure aren’t always outwardly noticeable. Doctors may identify the issue when performing tests for other conditions. In some instances, however, patients with acute renal failure experience swelling in the ankles, legs, and feet, chest pain, muscle twitching, confusion, and shortness of breath. Drowsiness and urinating less frequently than normal are also commonly reported symptoms.  

How is It Treated?

The proper treatment for the condition depends on its root cause. For instance, if dehydration is responsible for compromised kidney functionality, treating the dehydration may naturally allow the kidneys to work properly again. If diabetes or high blood pressure is the cause, controlling these conditions might improve kidney health. However, if the condition is a result of an issue in the kidneys themselves, treatments such as special diets and medications may be implemented when the problem is caught early enough. In other cases, dialysis, or the use of a machine which cleans the blood, may be necessary.


If you’re suffering from acute renal failure or another kidney-related health issue, there’s no better team to help than Mt Auburn Nephrology. As the Greater Cincinnati area’s trusted source for the treatment of kidney stones and kidney disease, this center also has satellite offices in Norwood, Mason, and Christ, OH. Learn more about their comprehensive kidney care services by visiting their website or call (513) 841-0222 to schedule an appointment.
