
Unfortunately, drinking and driving is a widespread problem across all age groups. As difficult as it may be to think your teenager would ever get behind the wheel after consuming alcohol, it’s important for all parents to be proactive in discouraging underage drunk driving. This can make all the difference in preventing your child from being seriously injured, hurting someone else, or getting a DUI. Here are a few steps you can take to help deter your teen from driving under the influence.

3 Drunk Driving Prevention Tips for Teens

1. Explain the Consequences of Drinking & Driving 

Increased awareness and education can go a long way toward hindering impaired driving. Sit down with your teenager and present them with some of the alarming statistics surrounding underage drinking and driving. According to Mothers Against Drunk Driving, car crashes are the leading cause of death among teenagers, and one in every four car accidents with teenagers involve an underage drunk driver.

Additionally, explain that if they are fortunate enough to walk away from a collision, the legal consequences of a DUI can include license suspension or revocation, a hefty fine, community service, increased auto insurance rates, and future employment restriDUIctions. 

2. Encourage Your Teen to Call You or Arrange a Sober Ride if Necessary 

No matter how much guidance you give them, there is potential for your teen to give in to peer pressure and drink. If this occurs, you want them to feel comfortable coming to you for help rather than deciding to get behind the wheel and risk injury or a DUI. Let them know they can always call you for a safe ride home or provide them with alternatives for getting a sober driver. On special occasions, such as prom and graduation, consider setting them up with a limo service to and from their destination. 

3. Be a Good Example

Keep in mind that your kids are constantly watching what you do and will mirror many of your behaviors. This means if they grow up watching you consume alcohol — even if it’s just a beer or glass of wine at dinner —and proceed to drive afterward, they may believe they are able to do the same. Be extra cautious about setting a good example when it comes to drinking and driving and always use a designated driver. 


Although there’s no way to monitor your teenager’s behavior at all times, you can do your best to discourage drinking and driving. In the event they are charged with a DUI, it will be crucial to have a reputable criminal defense attorney on their side. Backed by more than 16 years of legal experience, Kevin R. Bryant Attorney at Law has defended the rights of numerous Crossville, TN, residents. He can be trusted to aggressively pursue the best possible outcome for your child to minimize the impact on their future. Call (931) 787-1004 to schedule a consultation or visit him online for an overview of the services he provides.

