
November 23 is National Flossing Day. Dentists want to help you make the most of the holiday by explaining how great the practice is for your teeth. Explore the guide below to learn more about how flossing started, as well as how to incorporate it into your dental routine. 

History of Dental Floss 

Flossing dates far back in ancient history. Anthropologists have found evidence of toothpick-like tools on Neanderthals’ teeth. The first official use of dental floss, however, is from the 19th century. In 1815, a dentist in New Orleans began recommending a silken thread for oral care. By 1898, health companies began manufacturing it on a large-scale basis. 

Nylon floss replaced silk in the 1940s. Dental tape was available by the 1950s. Today, floss comes in many varieties and is considered an essential part of every patient’s daily routine. 

Importance of Flossing 

Anchorage DentistBoth the American Dental Association and the US Department of Health and Human Services endorse dental flossing because of its significant health benefits. First, it has a unique ability to reach the hard-to-clean surfaces of your enamel. Brushing alone cannot remove bacteria and food particles from in between the teeth. Since it’s useful in removing plaque and tartar, it also decreases the chance of developing tooth decay and gum disease.

Observing the Holiday 

There are many ways you can make the most of National Flossing Day. Some people use it to begin their new daily flossing routine, while others learn more about the type of floss or interdental cleaner that is right for them. Teach your kids how to floss better, pick up a new water flosser, or make an appointment with your family dentist so they can check the health of your teeth and gums. No matter which way you choose to observe the holiday, you will take a big step in improving the condition of your teeth and gums, as well as your long-term health. 


Taking care of your teeth by flossing and brushing can help you maintain excellent dental health for a lifetime. Anchorage Dental Center of Alaska will help by providing a variety of preventative care and treatment services for the entire family, including teeth cleanings, root canals, and teeth whitening. To make an appointment with Dr. James Driskell, the practice’s skilled and friendly dentist, call (907) 278-2521. You can also send the office a message online. Discover dental care tips and fun facts about your teeth on their Facebook page. 
