
There’s no time like the present to change something about yourself for the better, which is why more and more adults are opting for orthodontic care. Getting braces applied as an adult can be quite an adjustment to ensure a successful treatment. Here are three tips for adults with new braces, and how they can help you. 

Tips For New Orthodontic Patients

1. Watch What You Eat braces

Since hard, crunchy foods like chips, pretzels, and nuts can damage braces, it is important to watch what you eat. Sticky foods, such as caramels and taffies, can also become stuck to braces. This increases the acidity of your saliva and puts you at a higher risk for tooth decay. To prevent damage to your teeth and braces, opt for soft foods that are low in sugar.  

2. Focus On Oral Hygiene

Daily oral care is instrumental in keeping your braces and your teeth in great shape, so focus on careful brushing, flossing, and rinsing. Talk with your orthodontist about how to brush and floss effectively when wearing braces, and consider using helpful tools like interdental cleaners that can reach behind wires and around brackets. Meet with your orthodontist regularly to have your braces checked, and tightened.

3. Be Patient With Yourself

It can take some time to learn how to eat and speak properly with braces, so be patient with yourself. Your tongue and brain will get used to working around orthodontic wires and brackets, so don’t worry if you find yourself speaking with a lisp or struggling with sore spots at first. The longer you wear your braces, the more comfortable they will become.


Transforming your smile is a group effort between you and your orthodontist, so turn to the team at Mosling Orthodontics if you are considering braces. As a specialist in orthodontics, Dr. Mosling focuses on creating treatment plants especially for each patient, helping them to understand treatment timelines and prevent problems. Based out of La Crosse, WI, Mosling Orthodontics is one of the most affordable orthodontic clinics in The Coulee Region, making it possible for anyone to straighten their teeth. To learn more about their services, explore their website or give their office a call at (608) 782-1950.
