
Even the most efficient traditional heating and cooling systems require a massive amount of energy, accounting for approximately half of the average home’s utility expenses. Geothermal heat pumps take a radically different approach to keeping your home comfortable, reducing your energy demands and dramatically lowering your operating expenses. These innovative systems offer an incredible range of benefits furnaces and traditional air conditioning units can’t match.

The Advantages of Geothermal Heat Pumps

Substantially Lower Operating Costs

Instead of burning fuel to create heat, geothermal heat pumps simply move existing heat from one location to another to maintain comfortable indoor temperatures. In the winter, coils of fluid-filled pipes underground draw warmth from the earth and transfer it into your home without the need for fuel.

During warmer months, the process works in reverse, dispersing heat from your home back into the ground. Because they don’t use fuel or electricity, geothermal heat pumps have significantly lower operating costs than almost any other type of system.

Low Maintenance

geothermal heat pumpTraditional HVAC systems have a variety of moving parts, including air handlers, furnaces, and belts, all of which require regular maintenance. Geothermal heat pumps are much less complex, and most components are stored safely underground or inside your home. With relatively little maintenance, a high-quality geothermal heat pump will last 25 years or more, while a traditional HVAC system will need to be replaced every 15 years.

Reduced Noise

Compared to forced-air systems, geothermal heat pumps are almost completely silent, eliminating the excessive noise of outdoor fans and other equipment. The indoor unit’s noise level is generally comparable to that of a household refrigerator, but many are much quieter.


Since 1946, Osterwisch Company has provided a complete line of HVAC, electrical, and plumbing services to homeowners throughout the Greater Cincinnati and tri-state area. With their mastery of geothermal heat pump installation and selection of innovative products, they can minimize your energy expenses without sacrificing comfort. Visit their website for more on their heating and cooling services, or call (513) 791-3282 to discuss options and request an estimate.
