
When you buy products, whether they’re American-made clothing or gadgets, it’s important to be aware of how your purchases affect the planet and other people. However, when you are constantly bombarded with cheap products and catchy ads, it can be difficult to be a conscientious consumer. Here are some helpful pointers on how to stay ethical consumer.

How to Become a Conscientious Consumer

1. Buy American-Made Clothing & Products

From now on, check to see if an item was manufactured in the United States before you purchase it. When you buy American-made clothing and other products, you support American companies and workers. You also know that you’re buying goods that aren’t manufactured in countries that have unsafe working conditions for their employees.

2. Support Companies That Give Back

american-made clothingPurchase items from companies that help those in need. Socially conscious businesses donate a percentage of their proceeds to various causes, like cancer research and feeding children. When you buy from these organizations, you help them make a difference in the world.

3. Stand Against Unethical Practices

Unfortunately, not all organizations act ethically. If you learn that a company has been exploiting its employees, dumping toxins in the water, or behaving in other ways you disapprove of, show them that you won’t stand for that kind of behavior. Take your business elsewhere and write them a letter expressing your viewpoint. 


If you want high-quality American-made clothing, turn to Over Under Clothing. The shop provides a wide selection of menswear, including t-shirts and outerwear, and manufactures every item in the United States. They also carry products for dogs, like collars, leashes, and toys, and donate a portion of their proceeds to nonprofits that benefit America’s wetlands and Labrador Retrievers. If you would like to learn more about them and their items, visit the website. Call 904-619-0577 for any further questions.
