
Boundary line disputes can escalate quickly, with each party firmly believing they know precisely where the edge of their property lies. These kinds of disagreements with neighbors can taint previously friendly relationships, complicate renovation plans, and could cost thousands of dollars to remedy. If you’re involved in a property line dispute, land surveying may provide the objective answers you need and a prompt resolution to the conflict.

How Land Surveying Can Settle Property Disputes

Why Boundary Line Disputes Happen

Misunderstandings about the precise locations of property lines can spark intense legal conflict for homeowners and commercial builders alike. These disputes often arise when a new homeowner accepts the verbal description of the boundaries from the seller and plans some form of improvement. A neighboring property owner, who also accepted a different verbal account of their lot’s boundaries, may think that the planned addition, building, or fence encroaches on their land.

The Costs of Boundary Disputes

If an amicable solution to a boundary dispute can’t be found, the parties may have no choice but to take the issue to court. In addition to paying legal fees and court costs, the judge may levy serious fines if they find that you’ve inadvertently violated a neighbor’s property rights. Depending on the outcome, you may be required to demolish the new structure, potentially costing thousands of dollars.

How Land Surveying Can Help

land surveyingProfessional land surveyors have the expertise and specialized tools to identify the exact location of corner markers and boundary lines, providing definitive answers to disputes of ownership. In addition to reviewing the legal description of the properties and deeds, they also conduct physical inspections of the property to formally establish ownership of the land. In fact, boundary surveys are the only method courts will accept for establishing boundary lines, so ordering an inspection before conflicts escalate in the first place can minimize cost and decrease animosity.


For over 25 years, residential homeowners and commercial developers throughout Lincoln, NE, have relied on the expertise and professionalism of K & M Land Surveying for their detailed, highly accurate surveying services. Using state-of-the-art technology, they can help resolve property disputes and identify potential issues before they arise. Visit their website for an overview of their services, or call (402) 476-3020 to discuss your situation and request an estimate.
