
The season of tricks, treats, and free candy is right around the corner, but is your child’s smile prepared? To avoid an extra trip to the dentist this Halloween season, consider the best ways to help your kids take care of their teeth and combat the negative impact of sugar. Below is a brief guide to responsible candy consumption and cleaning.

How Does Candy Affect Your Smile?

dentistCandy is loaded with sugar, which has damaging consequences on your smile. Bacteria in the mouth feed off the ingredient, forming acids that eat at enamel and cause tooth decay. As such, mass amounts of treats leaves kids vulnerable to cavities. Visit the dentist if your child notices any symptoms of these issues, such as pain or discomfort in one area when eating or drinking. If left untreated, the problem may reach the inner chamber of the tooth and worsen.

How to Treat Yourself

While eating too much sugar is detrimental to your child’s smile, they don’t have to avoid it altogether. Limit excessively sticky sweets like caramels and taffies. These treats cling to teeth and stick between the crevices, making them difficult to remove. Only allow a small serving of candy directly after meals, as they will be full and less likely to overindulge. Encourage your child to wash their candy down with a glass of water and always brush afterward. 


For the last 28 years, families in Hartford County, CT, have entrusted the health of their smiles and oral hygiene to the seasoned dentists at Gladstein Dental Center. Whether your child needs a detailed teeth cleaning after treating themselves to Halloween candy or you need comprehensive services, the staff provides compassionate and knowledgeable care. To learn more about their services, visit online, or call 860-223-1162 today to schedule an appointment with a dentist today.
