
When autumn arrives, temperatures drop, leaves fall, and plants start to slow down. While your landscape may be entering a dormant state, there are a still a few steps you should take to ensure your grass stays healthy and beautiful for spring. To help prepare your yard for the change in seasons, here are few important lawn care tips to consider.  

3 Ways to Prepare Your Lawn for Fall

1. Fertilize and Water Appropriately  

lawn careFall is a great time to apply fertilizer, as it will provide grass with the nutrients it needs to stay strong throughout the winter. Continue watering your lawn throughout fall so fertilizer can seep into the soil and reach the roots of the grass. As a general rule of thumb, give your landscape about one inch of water each week. If it has rained, adjust irrigation so you don’t overwater the lawn.

2. Aerate the Soil

Lawn aeration is the practice of breaking up soil to ensure that oxygen, fertilizer, and air can reach grass roots effectively. A professional landscape contractor can simplify the process by using an aeration machine that removes segments of the soil as it is guided over the lawn surface.

While you should also aerate in the spring, it’s important to perform this lawn care task in the fall for a few reasons. For one, summer activities and weather patterns are likely to cause soil compaction, making it more difficult for roots to access the oxygen and nutrients they need. Second, the extra space will allow roots to expand and remain strong over the winter season, and new grass will be able to grow when spring arrives.

3. Don’t Let Leaves Linger

As pretty as autumn leaves are, their presence can cause harm to your lawn. Leaf piles can smother the grass, making it more difficult for it to grow in the spring. Leaves also retain moisture, inviting pests and promoting the development of harmful snow mold. To prevent problems, make sure to rake frequently so your landscape stays clear.


While fall lawn care may be important, it isn’t always the easiest task to accomplish, especially as the holidays approach. That’s why homeowners in the Augusta County and Waynesboro, VA, areas trust in the lawn care services of Tom’s Yardscape. Providing dependable garden and lawn maintenance services for over two decades, this landscape contractor has the experience and high-quality tools necessary to keep your yard healthy. From landscape design to lawn mowing, this professional team will simplify your landscaping needs so you can spend less time working and more time enjoying your home’s exterior. Visit these specialists online for more details about their impressive capabilities, or call (540) 949-8667 to schedule convenient service.
