
Among the numerous orthopedic conditions that can occur, a frozen shoulder is among the most confounding. Also known as adhesive capsulitis, this disorder greatly limits movement while also causing acute pain and discomfort. The following are a few indications you may be suffering from frozen shoulder, as well as what you can do to find relief from its symptoms.

3 Symptoms of Frozen Shoulder

1. Pain When Raising Your Arm Above Your Head

Your shoulder joint is encompassed by connective tissue. For people who have undergone surgery or experienced medical conditions, this tissue can grow thicker and restrict movement as a result. This restriction is most obvious when raising your arms above your head. If you have a frozen shoulder, you may be unable to raise the affected arm higher than parallel to the floor. Pain can also occur when performing this maneuver.

2. Abnormal Movement of the Shoulder Blade

orthopedicWhile a frozen shoulder can happen to anyone, women over the age of 40 have the highest risk, especially those who’ve suffered an injury or health condition that caused immobility. Resulting stiffness can cause abnormal shoulder movement when raising an arm. Ask a friend to watch while you raise your arms to look for a shoulder blade that rises up toward your ear.

3. Issues With External Rotation

There are three stages of a frozen shoulder: pain and stiffness during the first stage, decreased pain and increased stiffness during the second stage, and gradually improving range of motion during the last stage. Progression can take years without out proper orthopedic assistance, and during the second stage problems with external rotation can occur. This entails bending your arms at a 90-degree angle and rotating the arms outward. People with a frozen shoulder typically can’t rotate the problem arm out as far as the other.


If you’re struggling with shoulder immobility, seeking out appropriate orthopedic treatment is a must. This is exactly what Peter A. Matsuura, M.D. offers to his patients in Hilo, HI. Thanks to his extensive medical knowledge, he can capably diagnose curious conditions like frozen shoulder and offer the best course of treatment. For some patients, this entails physical therapy, while for others shoulder surgery may be necessary to relieve pain and improve function. His clinic can also treat sports injuries by helping athletes recover from pain and stiffness while also building strength to prevent future injuries. Schedule an appointment today by calling (808) 969-3331. You can also like his practice on Facebook to stay up-to-date on all the latest orthopedic news.  
