
Although all babies progress at their own pace, there are a few stages between crawling on stomachs and being able to sit upright on their own. As a parent, you can make reaching the milestone easier for your child. To better address infant care needs, below is a guide to the stages of sitting. 

Common Stages of Babies Learning to Sit

1. Infants Build Neck Strength During the First Six Months

infant careWhen a baby crawls on the ground during the first six months of life, the workout is strengthening their neck and back muscles. The progress will become evident once the child starts to lift their head off the floor and move it from side to side. Changing the baby’s position as they crawl will also improve their motor skills. Holding the infant in a seated position, while supporting their weight, will also help them start learning how to balance.

2. Babies Can Sit Briefly by Six or Seventh Months Old

By the age of seven months, your baby should have enough strength in their head and torso to balance themselves briefly from a seated position. To prevent the child from losing their balance and falling, hold on to their hips while they are still sitting. This will give them extra support as they use their hands to stabilize their trunk. 

3. Infants Can Balance Themselves & Reach for Objects at Eight Months Old

By eight months old, your baby should be able to balance themselves with little difficulty for extended periods. Their large motor skills should have also improved enough that they can start extending their body and reaching for objects from a seated position. Although the baby can do most of the work, it’s still a good idea to remain vigilant in case they fall or need help.


For additional help improving your child’s motor skills, reach out to the infant care providers at Kids & Cribs Child Enrichment Center. The center is known throughout Campbell County, KY, for its infant care, preschool programs, and additional early childhood education and development opportunities that provide a foundation for success. To learn more about infant care in Fort Thomas, call (859) 441-5888, or visit the child enrichment center online for class details. Keep in touch on Facebook to see pictures of fun classroom activities. 
