
Purchasing an older home comes with a wide variety of benefits. You might save money on the sale transaction, in addition to gaining a residence with history. If you enjoy fixing up houses, this will be the perfect outlet for your energies. However, old structures can also come with problematic systems, such as outdated plumbing. Below are three issues home inspectors commonly find when they look over a residence with a long history.

What Plumbing Problems Do Home Inspectors Uncover in Old Residences?

1. Corroding Galvanized Pipes

Pipes are no longer made from galvanized metal, which consists of iron and zinc. Today, they are created from lighter, more efficient materials that can be counted on to keep your water clean. And it’s not just that galvanized ones are outdated: They will start to rust over time, particles of which could flake off and enter the home’s water supply. To find out if this issue has already started, just turn on the faucet: If the liquid is brown, there’s a corrosion problem.

2. Lead in the Lines

home inspectorLead is an incredibly dangerous metal to ingest and can cause symptoms such as abdominal pain, weight loss, and vomiting in the early stages of poisoning. Unfortunately, this knowledge was not available to home builders before the 1970s, and many plumbers installed pipes that contained lead. You won’t be able to use them without a filtration system installed.

3. Pipe Bellies

This issue isn’t exactly dangerous to your health, but it’s still a problem. It occurs as an older house settles and refers to pipes that have shifted out of their original position. This usually results in bends where there shouldn’t be any, which means your system is likely to clog up often.


Many of these issues won’t be apparent to the untrained eye, but all will require repairs, and some could harm your health. That’s why it’s so important to schedule an assessment with an experienced home inspector before purchasing an older residence. Twin City Home Inspections of Texarkana, TX, has offered inspection services for more than 10 years. They will be thorough and provide you with a detailed custom report you can use to make informed decisions. To learn more, call (903) 276-9566 or visit them online today.
