
During the fall, you probably notice numerous bushy-tailed, quick-footed squirrels scampering up trees and around your property. While these squirrels are fun to admire from a distance, they can wreak serious havoc on your roof. In honor of National Squirrel Awareness Month, take time to learn how to assess and prevent common squirrel-related damages before they need a roofing contractor.

3 Ways To Discourage Squirrels From Damaging Your Roof

1. Cut Back Overhanging Trees

When squirrels climb on your roof, they love to chew up shingles, destroy insulation, and eat away at underlying structures. To prevent them from hopping up onto your property in the first place, cut back any trees that provide a path to your roof. Since they’re excellent jumpers, you will need to leave at least eight feet between the roof and the branch.

2. Remove Food Sourcesroofing contractor

Just like birds, squirrels love to gnaw on nuts, berries, and seeds. If you have any bird feeders near your roof, you may need to remove them or squirrel-proof them to stave off these hungry critters. Though there are various metal options that prevent squirrels from sneaking off with bird feed, it still may attract them in the first place. Squirrels tend to be persistent and crafty, so you may want to place them away from your home, just in case.

3. Install Squirrel Guards

While squirrels can easily climb up wood and stone, metal is too slick for them to scale. To prevent squirrels from clamoring onto your roof, install squirrel guards around tree bases or any poles near your house.

If you’ve applied all these methods and still suspect that there are squirrels on your roof, look for signs of damage including dislodged shingles, roof leaks, or chewed insulation. While bad on their own, these problems can also foreshadow further structural damage, like a sagging roof, and should be looked at by a roofing contractor.


If squirrels have been causing you problems, contact the team from A-2-Z Roofing & Siding Co in Mohave County, Arizona. These expert roof contractors can inspect your roof for any signs of squirrel-related damage and repair the problem. They can also install asphalt shingles or provide complete roof replacements. For more information about this premier roofing contractor, visit the local Kingman business online or call today at (928) 757-2071.
