
If you don't like the appearance or the bulk of glasses, contact lenses are a popular alternative. However, if you have never used them before, you might wonder how they work and how to safely use them. Here are answers to a few of the more commonly asked questions about these eye care marvels.

A Guide to Common Questions About Contacts

What are contact lenses made of and are they safe for my eyes?

Most contacts prescribed today are "soft" meaning they're made of flexible, breathable plastics that let oxygen pass through to the cornea.  Each lens is outfitted with your prescription and lathe cut by a computer-controlled machine. For the vast majority of people, they are safe and come with no side effects when used in accordance with your optometrist's instructions.

How do you take care of contact lenses?

contact lensesThis depends on the type of lenses you're prescribed. Single-use varieties need only be thrown out after each wear. In contrast, extended wear contacts need to be cleaned and disinfected after taking them out. But since they are made of materials that prevent deposit buildup, this process usually just entails rubbing the lenses gently with solution and storing them away until next time.

The idea of putting something in my eye makes me uncomfortable. Can I still wear contacts?

Absolutely! Most contact lens wearers are hesitant at first. Learning to insert contacts may also take a few days of adjustment and patience. But once you have the technique down, you'll realize you can't even feel the lenses most of the time, while enjoying a clearer, unimpeded view of the world.

Can a contact get lost in my eye?

No. In rare instances, such as after excessive rubbing of the eye, the contact may slip off the cornea, moving to the side of the eye or sticking to the eyelid. This can also happen if the eye is unusually dry. Readjust the lens and apply moisturizing eye drops if that is the case. If you are having trouble removing a wayward lens, your eye care provider can always help.


Matthew H. Lipparelli, O.D., is here to answer your questions about contact lenses and help you find the perfect pair. Since 1999, he has been providing eye care services to the Elko County, Nevada area. Call (775) 753-5353, visit him online, or contact him on Facebook to schedule an appointment, and start experiencing freedom from eyeglasses.
