
Outdated and inefficient appliances, crumbling drywall, and aluminum electrical wiring are not the only issues linked to older homes. Purchasing an older house can mean numerous plumbing problems. Have a professional plumber look for these issues to avoid a variety of complications when you move in.

Top 5 Most Common Plumbing Issues in Older Houses

1. Corroded Galvanized Piping

Galvanized iron and steel piping were frequently used in houses built before the 1970s. Both last between 40 and 50 years, after which corrosion starts. Household water from corroded pipes frequently features a metallic taste and odor. Water pressure issues can also occur when pipes are weakening. 

2. Lead Service Lines

Lead was once used in many ways throughout the home, including in paint, ceramics, and plumbing fixtures. Lead service lines bringing water from the main into the home eventually contaminate the vital liquid and require professional replacement services to avoid poisoning-related health problems.

3. Polybutylene Piping

plumbingA fixture in homes from the 1970s through the 1990s, polybutylene piping is highly susceptible to weakening because it reacts poorly to water-based oxidants. Left unchecked it causes major, expensive plumbing problems.

4. Pipe “Bellies” or Bends

Houses naturally settle as they age, causing movement among underground pipes. These shifts can cause piping to bend downward, creating “bellies” and possible blockages from water, sand, and other sediment.

5. Incorrect Repairs

Incorrect DIY repairs to household plumbing can create disasters for new homeowners, especially if pipes are corroding. Household plumbing projects are rarely DIY jobs because they can result in serious water damage and safety issues such as raw sewage contamination.

Work with the experts at Holler Drilling & Plumbing to solve plumbing problems in your older home before they worsen. The premier company serving La Crosse County, WI, offers a full suite of services, including well drilling, septic tank installation and maintenance, and water pump repair to keep households running efficiently and safely. Call (608) 781-2342 to request a free estimate today or visit the team online for more service information.
