
Per Wikipedia – The toothbrush is an oral hygiene instrument used to clean the teeth, gums and tongue. It consists of a head of tightly clustered bristles where toothpaste is placed, all on top of a handle which helps in cleaning hard-to-reach areas in the mouth.  We all know this. We all know that this tool helps prevent cavities, along with the help of fluoridated toothpaste. It helps freshen our breath and remove plaque. Dr. Joy Lunan shares more fun facts about your toothbrush that you may not have known. 

The toothbrush is 5,000 years old.  Ancient civilizations used what was referred to as a “chew stick”. It was a long thin twig with a frayed end, that was used to remove food particles from their teeth. Toothbrushes have evolved over the years. The handles of toothbrushes have been made from items such as bone, wood and ivory. The bristles have been made using hogs, boars and other animals. The nylon bristles on the modern-day toothbrushes that we use today were invented in 1938. 

A prison inmate invented the first mass-produced toothbrush.   In 1770 Englishman William Addis was placed in jail for inciting a riot. While in prison he saw his fellow inmates using rags covered in soot or salt to clean their teeth. Mr. Addis had the idea to save animal bone from his dinner and was given some bristles from a guard. History states that he created small holes into the piece of bone where he inserted the bristles and then applied glue to keep them in place. When Mr. Addis was released from prison, he modified his tool and started a company that manufactured his toothbrush. The company called “Wisdom Toothbrushes” still exists in the United Kingdon currently.

Manual or powered?  Honestly, your teeth don’t care. One only needs to brush twice daily for 2 minutes each time with a fluoridated toothpaste. Both types of toothbrushes are effective and can thoroughly clean the teeth. It all comes down to personal preference. Talk to Dr. Lunan about what she thinks is best for you. People who have difficulties with a manual toothbrush may prefer a powered one. Whichever you decide to use, be sure that it has the ADA seal on it. 

Toothbrushes like to be stored out in the open.  To keep your toothbrush clean simply rinse it with water to remove any remnants of toothpaste and debris. Then, store it upright to dry. If kept with other brushes, then remember to keep them separated to prevent cross contamination. Do not store them in closed containers as this will lead to the growth of bacteria on the toothbrush.

Toothbrushes are good for 3 to 4 months.  It’s important to replace your toothbrush every few months, when it becomes frayed or if you have been sick. If your toothbrush is worn it will not do a good job keeping your teeth clean. If you’ve been sick it can harbor bacteria, in which case you can end up getting sick all over again. 

Choose soft or extra soft toothbrushes.   Whether you use a manual or powered toothbrush always choose one with soft or extra soft bristles. Medium or firm bristles can cause damage to the teeth and gums. Remember, it’s not necessary to scrub things hard, use only enough pressure to clean the soft film off of the teeth. Your toothpaste will help with the rest. 

Never share a toothbrush.  If you share a toothbrush then you are also sharing germs and bacteria. If you are sick that will be shared as well. Sharing is never a good idea, for toothbrushes that is.

Brush or floss first?  It makes no difference which order brushing and flossing is done, as long as you do both. Dr. Lunan reccomends two minutes, two times a day to keep your smile healthy. 

If you’d like more information call Dr. Lunan’s dental office in Middlebury, CT.  She is always accepting new patients.     203-598-7920      Check out our patients’ reviews here.

