
When it comes to conceiving a precious child, most couples are focused on enriching the woman’s reproductive health. According to medical experts, however, male infertility factors are responsible for over a third of couples’ challenges. If you are hoping to be a father, the guide below will help you understand the most common issues and explore helpful options for starting a family. 

What Causes Male Infertility? 

Men have fertility issues for a variety of reasons. Some of the most common problems include:

  • Sperm transport disorders 
  • Ejaculation issues
  • Testicular conditions
  • Diseases of the hypothalamus
  • Pituitary gland disorders
  • Low sperm count
  • Groin injuries
  • Wearing tight underwear
  • Radiation exposure
  • Certain medications
  • Urinary tract infections (UTIs)
  • Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)

How Is It Diagnosed? 

A primary care provider or urologist can check the health of your penis, scrotum, and prostate. They may also review medical history and complete laboratory tests to rule out certain conditions. Blood tests and semen analyses can check for sperm quality as well as infections and medical disorders. If the provider detects a certain disease, low sperm count, or low volume of semen, they may provide a diagnosis or schedule further testing. 

Is There Treatment Available? 

Honolulu InfertilityTreatment is readily available for men of all ages. The remedy depends on the diagnosis. Medications can help with erectile dysfunction, hypothalamic and pituitary conditions, and low sperm count. Antibiotics are administered to treat infections, while surgery often fixes sperm blockages. If the cause is unknown, you continue to have challenges, or a condition like a sperm transport disorder is to blame, in vitro fertilization (IVF) can lead to a successful pregnancy.

How Does IVF Treatment Help? 

IVF treatment is an assisted reproductive technology that retrieves a sperm sample from the male’s body. Next, it is combined with the partner’s egg in a laboratory dish. Once an embryo forms, it is transferred to the woman’s uterus.

According to the American Pregnancy Association, overall IVF pregnancy success rates per cycle are between 13-43%. The chances of a positive result are the highest per cycle for women under the age of 35. This approach bypasses some of the most common male reproductive issues, like the inability for sperm to reach the egg naturally. 


If you’re interested in starting a family with IVF treatment, IVF Hawaii in Honolulu has one of the highest pregnancy success rates in the state. To schedule a consultation about your infertility concerns and learn how the clinic can help you and your partner start a family, call them at (808) 538-6655. For information about their reproductive endocrinologists, embryo transfer, or egg freezing, visit their website. You can also read patient reviews on their Facebook page. 
