
While playing the sport you love, you may feel invincible. However, being an athlete can wear on your body. This is why many athletes work with a physical therapist to keep them in the game. Physical therapy has countless benefits for athletes of all ages, addressing injuries and improving overall performance. 

How Can Athletes Benefit From Physical Therapy?

1. Speeds Up Recovery

physical therapySports injuries can be devastating, taking you off the field and onto the couch. However, a physical therapist can work with you to strengthen the injured area as you heal. They can also help you understand your limitations and you support the recovering muscles when you get back in the game. If you stick with physical therapy after recovery, you can avoid further injury. 

2. Boosts Circulation

The better your circulation, the more blood will flow to your muscles. This increased oxygenation from massage and physical therapy can enhance your endurance and muscle performance while playing sports. It can also help you heal from injuries more quickly, as more blood will flow to the injured site. 

3. Improves Flexibility

While most athletes engage in some sort of strength training, some fail to address their flexibility. A physical therapist can work with you on exercises to increase range of motion and muscular flexibility. In any sport, this can prevent muscle and ligament strain. 

4. Creates Balance 

An athlete’s core is key to overall stability. Following an injury or break from the sport, core strength can diminish and harm athletic performance. Physical therapy can bring strength back to your core, legs, and other muscles to get you strong on your feet again. 

5. Controls Pain

Most athletes deal with pain at some point, and physical therapy can help manage this pain. By getting to the root of an issue, physical therapists will rehabilitate the injured or inflamed region. If they believe your pain is linked to a medical issue, they may recommend that you see a physician.


A healthy body is key to your athletic performance, and the professionals at Forest Park Chiropractic & Acupuncture in Cincinnati, OH, are here to help you feel your best. Dr. Reed Moeller and his staff are dedicated to the well-being of their patients, offering chiropractic treatment and acupuncture to heal from within. Their team of physical therapists also does physiotherapy for treatment and pain management. For more information on their selection of services, visit their website or call (513) 742-0880.  
