
When planning a Halloween costume, the devil is in the details. After all, a vampire is much creepier when they have blood-red eyes to top off the look, right? If your dedication to detail has you considering investing in colored contact lenses this October 31, beware: Store-bought lenses can pose a serious threat to your vision. Find out how they can harm your eye health. 

3 Reasons to Avoid Store-Bought Colored Contact Lenses

1. Improper Fit

Contact lenses are not a “one-size-fits-all” product. People’s eyes vary in shape and diameter. Since store-bought colored contacts aren’t tailored to your needs, there is the risk that they won’t fit properly. This can lead not only to discomfort but also to physical damage, such as a scratched cornea. 

2. Lack of Knowledge 

contact lensesCostume shops, gas stations, online stores—these are just some of the places you might find colored contact lenses for sale. In fact, any business selling these products without a prescription is breaking the law because contacts are defined as medical devices by the FDA. Do not trust these shops to give you the information you need to safely put in, take out, clean, and care for your lenses. 

3. Risk of Infection 

Improperly fitted or cared for lenses put you at greater risk of infection. Possible ailments include everything from a corneal ulcer to conjunctivitis. If not promptly treated, such infections can lead to decreased vision and even permanent blindness. Don’t risk your eyesight for a Halloween costume.


Medical Eye Center provides comprehensive eye care services to residents of Columbia, MD. Known as the best ophthalmologist practice in town, they have a team of six eye doctors, each with a different specialty. This allows them to provide precise and knowledgeable care suited to each patient’s needs. Whether you need contact lenses or cataract care, they can help. To schedule an appointment, call (410) 997-9900. You can find all the information and forms you need as a new patient on their website
