
Bees are fascinating insects that are vital to our planet's ecosystem, but you might occasionally need to call an exterminator for professional bee removal. These services are performed as safely and ethically as possible, with efficient relocation being a top priority. Bees do so much more than pollinate plants and generate honey, and some of the facts about them may surprise you.

Top 5 Fascinating Bee Facts

1. Bees Have Personalities

Despite having brains roughly the size of a sesame seed, bees have an impressive learning capacity. Beyond their ability to calculate distance and recognize faces, many bees within the hive have unique personalities. According to a report from the University of Illinois, different bees exhibit different personality traits, from those who neglect work to those who seek thrills.

2. Queens Live for Up to Five Years

The Queen bee's productive lifespan—which includes laying upwards of 2,000 eggs a day—can last between two and three years, but the queen can live up to five. On the opposite end of the spectrum, the average worker bee tends to live for about nine months, and that dwindles to about six weeks during the busy warmer months.

exterminator3. Bees Dance to Communicate

Bees may not be dancing for us, but they are for one another. Dancing is a form of communication, a good example of which is one bee attempting to point the rest of the hive toward a good source of nectar. This figure-eight movement conveys details about the distance and direction of resources, and it is more commonly (and adorably) referred to as the "waggle dance."

4. Stings Have Benefits

Getting stung once can be enough to make most people call their exterminator right away, but there are a few benefits hidden within a bee's sting. For instance, researchers discovered that the venom has the potential to increase the level of an anti-inflammatory hormone known as glucocorticoid in the human body.

5. It Takes a Lot of Bees to Make Very Little Honey

For all the honey bees produce, it takes a remarkable number to get the job done. A single bee may only make 1/12th of a teaspoon of honey throughout its life, and it takes the nectar gathered from around two million flowers to generate a single pound of the sweet stuff.


As much as bees do for us on a daily basis, an exterminator will occasionally need to be called to provide the appropriate pest removal solutions. If you find yourself in a similar situation with bees or other invaders, don't hesitate to call the professionals at Leitchfield Exterminating. This family-owned and -operated company has been providing central Kentucky clients with the best in residential and commercial pest control since 1975. Check them out online for more information about their exterminator services, and call them at (270) 234-1295 to schedule a free inspection and consultation today.
