
October is Emotional Wellness Month, making it an ideal time to reflect and focus on your mental health. However, if you are in the process of moving, you might be feeling an excess amount of stress. By taking a step back, hiring movers to help you out, and using some stress management techniques, you can reduce anxiety and make the process much smoother. 

How to Manage Stress While Moving 

1. Break Up Tasks

It’s easy to get overwhelmed when you look at moving as one daunting task. By breaking it up into small, manageable pieces, you can take the process one step at a time. While packing up the kitchen might seem stressful, packing glasses and mugs is easier to approach. It’ll also feel good to check each task off the list, motivating you to tackle something else.

2. Hire Professional Movers

moversYou do not need to handle the entire moving process alone. Home movers are available to take care of heavy items for you. By booking a company ahead of time, you can relax knowing the belongings will arrive where they need to go. All you need to do is prepare for that day.

3. Open Your Schedule

Often, homeowners will get overwhelmed with everything else they need to fit into their schedules besides packing. To preserve your emotional wellness, free up your time. Even though you may need to decline invitations with friends, you will have more time for packing and will feel less overwhelmed when the movers arrive. 

4. Plan in Detail

Have a specific plan to organize your thoughts and make sure everything gets done on time. Create a moving calendar, marking what you want to complete on each day. Once you finish packing a section of the home, you will be free to relax and use this time to de-stress. 

5. Take Breaks

While it feels like your entire life revolves around moving, it’s important to pause and do something you enjoy. Whether it’s scheduling a day off from packing to go for a hike or reserving your mornings for self care, find time to take breaks. You’ll feel recharged and ready to continue the moving process. 


By hiring the right home movers, moving day will be as stress-free as possible. For over 45 years, Big John Movers in Cincinnati, OH, has ensured a smooth and fast move for residents in the area and will handle your belongings with care. To receive a free quote and 5% discount on a move, visit their website. Call (513) 244-5646 to learn more about their services. 
