
Insomnia can be extremely frustrating and exhausting—both physically and mentally. While tossing and turning, you are also watching the minutes pass and wondering how much sleep you can still get before you have to get up. Instead of reaching for nonnatural methods like sleeping pills, consider massage as a solution for your sleeplessness. Find out how it can help you overcome insomnia and boost energy. 

3 Ways Massage Combats Insomnia

1. Reduce Blood Pressure

Massage stimulates circulation throughout the body using firm, repetitive touch. Improved circulation can lower blood pressure, allowing your body to “wind down” and fall asleep more easily. Studies have shown that massage can improve hypertension, having lasting effects.

2. Reduce Anxiety

massageWhen it comes to falling asleep, calming your mind is just as important as soothing your body. Anxious thoughts are sure to keep you up at night. Massage combats anxiety by relaxing the body and encouraging it to produce serotonin—one of the “happy” chemicals released by nerve cells. This will reduce tension and increase calm, allowing you to put your brain to bed more easily at night. 

3. Combat Pain

If physical discomfort is part of the reason you are tossing and turning at night, massage can help. The physical touch combats inflammation, which can be a common cause of pain. It can also address issues like tight muscles and tissue stiffness. 


Zoe's Zen Time in Shawano, WI, can help you get a better night’s sleep. Zoe Zimmerman is a licensed massage therapist and a registered nurse, allowing her to offer a holistic approach to well-being—rooted in her extensive knowledge of the human body. She is known for her attentive and personalized approach, as she works closely with her clients—ranging from hospice patients to business people and firefighters—to address each one’s unique needs. Get a full overview of her services online, or call (715) 304-6137 today to schedule an appointment. 
