
Losing a tooth can severely impact your oral health and the appearance of your smile. Fortunately, you can preserve this space with a dental implant—a prosthetic that looks and functions like a natural tooth. In order for the treatment to be successful, the device must be implanted carefully so it can fuse securely with the jawbone. As such, patients have to wait for varying amounts of time before they can get implants. If you’re curious about how long you may have to wait for a dental implant, here are a few basic guidelines to consider.

How Long Before You Can Put In a Dental Implant?

At Tooth Extraction

When decay or infection prevents a tooth from being saved, a dentist must remove it through a gentle extraction process. If the socket and underlying tissues are healthy, dentists may sometimes use special techniques to extract the tooth and place the implant in directly after.

dental implantsDuring this step, a titanium post is inserted through the gum tissue into the jaw. However, while the post may be able to go in the same day as extraction, it will still need to heal before the permanent dental crown can be placed on top. This healing process typically takes anywhere from four to six months.  

After Tooth Loss

If you’ve lost a tooth or had one removed but do not opt for immediate implantation, the appropriate timeline for placing the prosthetic can vary.

For example, if tooth loss occurred relatively recently, your dentist may recommend having the implant put in at four to eight weeks after—or when the soft tissues start to heal. In other cases, your dentist may opt to wait for the jaw bone to heal partially, at about 12 to 16 weeks after tooth loss.  

It’s also often feasible to place implants well after this period, when the socket has completely healed. However, waiting too long is not recommended. If too much time passes, your teeth may start to shift or your jawbone may start to deteriorate, requiring additional treatment.

After Bone Grafting

Grafting is when a small amount of bone material is taken from elsewhere in your body and carefully placed to restore areas of the jaw that have deteriorated. The time required for a bone graft to heal before implantation will vary from patient to patient, but it can take up to six months.


If you want to find out if—and when—you can receive dental implants, the specialists at Implant Center of Maui can help. Providing state-of-the-art dental care on Maui in Kahului, HI, this clinic will guide you through every step of the implant procedure so  you can quickly and comfortably restore your smile. In addition, this practice offers a variety of other cosmetic dentistry services to boost your appearance, including dental crowns, veneers, and teeth whitening. Visit this dentist online to learn more about these services or call (808) 877-3606 to schedule a convenient appointment.
