
You might think that the battery is responsible for powering the electronic components of your truck, but it’s actually the alternator that does most of the work once your vehicle starts. A vital commercial truck part, it converts mechanical energy produced by a spinning pulley attached to the engine into an electric current that charges the battery. It continually runs while you drive, so it will inevitably break down over time. Here are some symptoms of an alternator that needs replacement.  

4 Signs of a Failing Alternator

1. Warning Light

Most new trucks are equipped with an indicator on the instrument panel that warns you when there is an issue with the alternator. Whether it’s an icon of a battery or the letters ALT or GEN, you should have your vehicle inspected immediately as soon as you see it light up.

2. Engine Won’t Start or Stalls While Running

commercial truck partsIf the battery doesn’t get charged by the alternator, you will have problems starting your truck. The engine’s fuel-injection system also uses electricity. If the alternator doesn’t provide enough power, your truck will stall.

3. Electrical Issues

If you notice commercial truck parts like the radio, air conditioner, power windows, or instrument panel acting strangely, there may be a problem with your alternator. While a bad fuse or faulty wiring can also cause this issue, it’s safer to have it checked before it gets worse.

4. Dim or Flickering Lights

If your lights are dim or flickering while the engine is on, these are symptoms of an alternator that is having trouble providing enough power. Lights are among the top priorities regarding power distribution, so if it starts acting up, you know the problem is serious.


If you need quality and affordable commercial truck parts, turn to George J. Hust Co. in Cincinnati, OH. This family-owned and-operated company has been supplying businesses with automotive and electrical parts for more than 80 years. They have a huge inventory of boat, excavator, and tractor parts and implements. Give them a call at (513) 898-9171 for inquiries or visit their website to view available commercial truck parts.
