
If your home has a private well, it’s your responsibility to maintain the investment. Scheduling regular well inspections will ensure any issues are remedied before harmful pollutants make the water unsafe for consumption. Below are a few substances that could contaminate your water supply. 

What Contaminants Should Well Owners Keep on Their Radar?

Dissolved Salts & Minerals

Water often seeps through deposits of limestone and chalk in the ground Wheatland-Missouri-well-inspectionbefore entering the well. The substances contain calcium, magnesium, iron, and sodium. In high concentrations, the minerals cause hard water, which can impact the taste and quality of the liquid. Often, it’s hard for soap to dissolve in hard water, which could leave residue on the body after bathing or scale on surfaces after washing dishes. The minerals can also build up in pipes and water lines for laundry equipment, reducing the life expectancy of your appliances.

Heavy Metals & Chemical Elements

If you live near an industrial site, heavy metals and minute levels of chemical elements, such as lead, arsenic, and radon, could contaminate well water. During a well inspection, a professional can determine whether the fixture is located too close to the path of industrial runoff. If you have a home built before 1986, the pipes installed could also impact the quality of well water. If you have lead pipes, the chemical could contaminate the water as it flows through the channels into faucets.

Nitrates & Chemicals From Farms

On farms, fertilizers, pesticides, and oil from industrial machinery can seep into the ground. If your well is located near farmland, the nitrates, phosphates, and additional chemicals from these products could contaminate the groundwater. Harmful pathogens in waste from farm animals could also affect the water supply. If you live near an agricultural site, have a well inspection technician or independent lab test the groundwater. They can determine whether there is cause for concern.

Bacteria & Viruses

Scheduling regular septic system maintenance is an important aspect of being a responsible well owner. If the septic tank, drain lines, or additional components are damaged, sewage could seep into the soil and eventually contaminate the groundwater. Human waste from the septic system can contain E. coli, a bacterium that lives in the intestines but can cause respiratory problems and urinary tract infections if consumed. A microscopic parasite called Cryptosporidium can also spread through drinking water. It can cause a diarrheal disease commonly referred to as Crypto.


If a broken pump, cracked seal, or other problems have impacted the quality of your well water, the technicians at Action Drilling will address your concerns. The team is known throughout Hickory County, MO, for performing thorough well inspections and providing the necessary solutions to prevent additional headaches. To schedule water well service in Wheatland or nearby areas, call (417) 282-5270. Visit the well drilling contractors online for a complete list of services they provide.
