
With Halloween coming up, kids are getting excited about all the candy they are going to get—while parents are more worried about what that sugar might do to their teeth. Even the strictest dentist will acknowledge that banning kids from their sweet treats altogether is unrealistic. That said, there are some dental do’s and don’ts that you as a parent can instill in the household come October 31 to help safeguard your little one’s smile.


Choose your candy wisely.

Take the time to go through your children’s Halloween haul and nix those items that are most harmful to oral health. Hard candies like lollipops can damage the protective enamel covering teeth if kids bite down on them. Meanwhile, sticky substances, like gummies or caramels, are very hard to clean and inevitably allow sugar to coat kids’ teeth for longer than your dentist would like.

Maintain good oral hygiene.

dentist There’s no time like Halloween to remind kids about the importance of brushing and flossing. Proper brushing requires at least two minutes. This fun zombie-themed video from the American Dental Association® lasts exactly that amount of time—so your kid can check their brushing time while keeping in the spooky spirit. You can also schedule a teeth cleaning appointment with the dentist once Halloween season is over.


Snack on sweets all day.

Don’t leave a bowl of candy and chocolate sitting out where little ones can reach them at any time of the day. Try to limit sweets to mealtime—ideally just after dinner, when bedtime teeth cleaning isn’t far off. This ensures children don’t have a constant layer of sugar coating their teeth all throughout the day. 

Forget to stay hydrated.

Saliva acts as a natural cleaning solution in your mouth, washing away bits of food and bacteria. It also prevents your mouth’s pH from becoming too acidic, which can wear down enamel. Make sure kids are drinking enough water. They can also chew sugar-free gum to spur saliva production. 


Need a local dentist to help deal with the aftermath of Halloween candy consumption? Anchorage Dental Center in Alaska provides dentistry services for the entire family. These dental care professionals are known for going the extra mile to ensure their patients are comfortable. Their friendly team and welcoming atmosphere make everyone, young and old, feel at ease. Learn more about Dr. James Driskell and his staff online. For an appointment, call the dental office at (907) 278-2521. 
